Ben 10 is an American animated series which was started by “Man of Action” which include the group of Duncan Rouleau, Joe Casey, Joe Kelly and Steven T. Seagle. Cartoon Network Studios were the producers for the show. Sam Register, Brian A. Miller, Jennifer Pelphrey and Tramm Wigzell were the executive producers of the series. Thomas Pugsley and Greg Klein edited the show. The show started on December 27, 2005 and ended on April 15, 2008 and gave 52 episodes with 4 seasons of run and 22 minutes of duration on Cartoon Networks.
This storyline centres to a boy called Ben Tennyson who found a watch like device which is an alien device called Omnitrix. This watch helps him to transform into various alien creatures. The boy is ten year old who is out of for a cross- country summer vacation with his cousin Gwen and his grandfather Max. He found that watch type device on the first night of their camping. The watch attached to his wrist permanently and gave him the power to transform into a variety of alien with different qualities and powers. He use his power when he is attacked by enemies from space aliens to supernatural entities.
The group “Man of Action” worked on this concept from 3 years before it was screened on Cartoon Network. Earlier it was decided to put a villain in the Omnitrix. Dialogues were added to the first season after Ghostfreak created the show to give audience more ghostlike feeling. Cannonbolt, the 11th alien transformed was replaced by Ghostfreak. Steven E Gordon revealed that Ben Tennyson was decided to be the red headed young boy as per their previous thoughts. He also said that they had different designs for the watch but finally the design was fixed and the names of the transformation through it were StrongGuy, Infemo, RazorJaws, Dragonfly, Plantguy and Digger.They all are like super hero which are quite similar to Dial H For Hero.
The theme song of the show was sung by Moxy which was written by Andy Sturmer. The title of the song was formed by Renegade Animation. The flashy animation was created in order to give the audience an impression of the fun that will be there in the show that is full of action. Finally after the third season Ghostfreak replaced Cannonbolt who is the ninth alien.
The initial episode was broadcasted on December 27, 2005 on Saturday morning on Cartoon Network. The next episode was screened on Friday on January 13, 2006. The final episode was aired on April 15, 2008. These series become famous and favourite of the audience which held the other producers to form new Ben 10 series and to create franchise. Ben10: Alien Force was formed after this and after this Ben 10: Ultimate Alien was created in April 2012. Ben 10: Omniverse was pre decided to premier on September 2012.
Now internet is so basic communication source that helps audience and people to connect to the world to many news feeds, movies and television series. Audience who want to watch these series can watch Ben 10 online by streaming through certain sites that provide free Ben 10 episodes. For reference visit