House is an American series that is full of medical drama and mystery. It was originally broadcasted on Fox Television Network for its 8 seasons. The show is created by David Shore. It is produced and conceptualized by Paul Attanasio, Shore, Katie Jacobs’s and Bryan Singer. It was widely broadcasted in Century City. The series homes on a protagonist Dr. Gregory House who is an unusual and eccentric medical expert. He is the team leader of the diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital (PPTH), located in New Jersey. Fans can watch House online for FREE!!!
The show was a huge success during its second season till fourth. It was ranked as the top ten rated series in United States. It was being broadcasted in nearly 66 countries and was the most watched television series across the globe in 2008. The show is has won numerous accolades like 5 Primetime Emmy Awards, 2 Golden Globe Awards, 1Peaboy Award, ( People’s Choice Awards and the list is endless. It was declared that the eighth season would be the last season.
Dr. Gregory House often falls into a conflict with his colleagues and fellow physicians, on the matter of the illness of the patients. He has his own beliefs and insights. He seldom disobeys the rules and norms of the hospital which make him quarrel with his superior, the administration and the Dean of Medicine named Dr. Lisa Cuddy. Dr. James Wilson is the best friend of House who is the HOD of Oncology.
During the course of the entire series, the main members of the diagnostic team stuffs Robert Chase, Allison Cameron and Eric Foreman. At the end of the season three, the entire team dissolves due to many conflicts. Later Foreman rejoins Dr. House. Then House sets for the new team bringing three doctors together viz. Remy “Thirteen” Hadley, Chris Taub, and Kutner. Dr. Kutner makes his last appearance in the end of fifth season. Chase and Cameron continue with their appearance till sixth season. Cameron then leaves the hospital and chase reverts back to the team of House. Dr. Thirteen does not show much of his appearance in seventh season and she is replaced by Martha M. Masters. Forman is appointed as the new Dean of the hospital. Cuddy and Master leave the show before the season eight commences. Two new members Dr. Jessica and Dr. Chi Park bond with the team.
Thus, one can imagine how well the show holds a viewer’s interest intact. With so much happening in the lives of these characters one can hardly miss the drama and mystery. For continued entertainment fans can now watch House Online for free which not a tedious task is now, thanks to high speed internet and reliable websites. Fans can now enjoy Free House Episodes online. There is even a facility on websites which makes available the entire episode guide of the show. One of such popular websites is One can easily select which episodes to watch.
I am a writer and I have keen interest in watching television series based on drama, mystery and like. I have experience in writing for magazines and blogs online. Writing is my area of interest and I enjoy it. I usually watch House online in spare time.